Yesterday’s men

13 02 2008

May they remain forever irrelevant
, a fading memory of a small-minded, mean-spirited, xenophobic, socks-and-sandals Australia that should–like creationism–have been dead and buried decades ago.

Congratulations, Australia.

(Images courtesy ABC News)

Full text of Rudd’s speech. (Audio)

The Apology: Part One

The Apology: Part Two

The Apology: Part Three

Full text of Nelson’s speech.



13 responses

13 02 2008

What some Coalition members did during the apology speech:

One Liberal MP, Chris Pearce, read a magazine during the motion and the speeches, refusing to get to his feet for several standing ovations.

He stood begrudgingly only when MPs were asked to vote on the motion.

Outspoken West Australian Liberal MP Wilson Tuckey was present in the house for a prayer before the apology but left when Mr Rudd rose to his feet.

13 02 2008
Sean the Blogonaut

It was long over due mate, long over due. Yes let’s hope they do get left behind. But we shouldn’t forget them lest they or their ilk return.

PS I am in Perth at the moment, some nice old buildings mate.

I tell yah reading about the apology while listening to the soundtrack of Return of the King has my eyes welling up.

13 02 2008
Sean the Blogonaut

Old Johnny Boy was absent to it seems. Did they forget the invite?

13 02 2008

It was long over due mate, long over due. Yes let’s hope they do get left behind. But we shouldn’t forget them lest they or their ilk return.

Australia is Janus-faced, and for every Rudd there is a Howard or Hanson, for every “Sorry Day”/Reconciliation there is a Tampa/Woomera.

But let’s savour the moment, at any rate.

13 02 2008

Old Johnny Boy was absent to it seems. Did they forget the invite?

It’s just that the times no longer suit him. For a few very ugly years, they did, but not anymore.

13 02 2008

I wonder what Silas was doing during the speeches. On the topic of the Stolen Generation he has previously had this to say:

There is no generation. I think Keith Windschuttle has got it exactly right. There has been this deliberate attempt to rewrite history. To say we came here and raped and pillaged and murdered – and they do, they carry on awfully about it – is quite appalling.

13 02 2008
The Lazy Aussie

I haven’t had a chance to get to you here. Too busy typing “Wilson Tuckey, what a f*cken knob” on other forums.

13 02 2008

It’s about time isn’t it. Given the disinformation about “sorry”, the stolen generation and more that has been prolifically spewed from the culture warriors, I suspect when things don’t eventuate as they predict, they will only become more and more behind the times. More irrelevant.

Sure, they will be out there in the political wilderness and with the ebb and flow of politics they will come back. But for the time being I think the momentum against them and the momentum for finishing a long, drawn out, sad chapter in our history has begun.

13 02 2008

Sure, they will be out there in the political wilderness and with the ebb and flow of politics they will come back.

Even so, it will be terribly difficult for any future government to take this apology back.

13 02 2008
Oz Atheist

That was a big day in Australian History yesterday, lets hope the fervour of the day will turn into useful policies and actions that assist the indigenous community.

Thanks for posting all the videos and links to the speeches.

Johnny got the invite alright, he just chose to ignore it, like he chose to ignore all sorts of things.

13 02 2008
A Big Day in History « Oz Atheist’s Weblog

[…] most of the major newspaper sites have them. They are also all available, directly or via links, at Five Public Opinions. Technorati Tags: politics,sorry,Stolen […]

14 02 2008
National Disgrace « The Worst of Perth

[…] Other people are covering this better than me, and I would prefer to have an original photo of this moron, but yes, what a wanker. […]

18 02 2008
The Lazy Aussie

Apparently Wilson went off to pray during the sorry speech.

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