Silvio Berlusconi: theocrat

10 06 2008

AGI reports:

“I thank the Pope for his appreciation of the new atmosphere which has broken out in Italy with the arrival of our political grouping in power. We model ourselves on the European Popular Party, and for the Vatican this is something to appreciate. We are on the Church’s side: we believe in the Christian tradition, in the undeniable value of life, on the role and the value of the family, on the defence of human rights, on solidarity, justice, tolerance. We respect the weaker members of society: the ill, children, the elderly, the marginalised. We are on the same wavelength as that on which the Church is active” affirmed Italy’s Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, just before his meeting with the Pope, scheduled for 11 am today. Berlusconi added: “We hold that all kinds of dialogue are possible between Church and State. The Church and its organisations are free to express their thoughts on anything, the lay state has every right to follow its own lights in the government’s deeds. My Government cannot fail to meet with the approval of the Pope and of the Church”.

Berlusconi is Italy’s richest man, and his commercial empire includes three private television stations and the country’s leading daily newspaper. Two of the three state-run TV stations are operated by his supporters, and you are as likely to hear a critical word uttered about him in the Italian media as you are likely to hear criticism of Vladimir Putin in the Russian media. If this guy believes in justice and in the best interests of the weaker members of society, I have a Trevi Fountain to sell you.



4 responses

11 06 2008
Theokrat Berlusconi | DER MISANTHROP

[…] tip to fivepublicopinions AGI – BERLUSCONI: WE ARE ON THE SIDE OF THE CHURCH [↩] « […]

11 06 2008

It’s a bit like Rupert Murdoch becoming Australian Prime Minister, isn’t it?

Seriously, it’s scary how undemocratic the current Italian government is. And how the international media seems fairly compliant.

11 06 2008

From the little I know, politics in Italy has always been something of a dog’s breakfast, and I think Berlusconi is a product of that instability.

12 06 2008

It’ll be interesting to see if the Pope accepts Berlusconi’s illegitimate regime, and to what extent the regime will give succor to religious prejudices. There has been a bit of an issue for a while now with Italians, especially young ones, turning away from the Church and towards Paganism of one sort or another.

“Ex-NAZI-Youth Pope approves of Italian Fascist state and ignores religious persecution of witches” has an ominous ring to it. I hope things don’t get to the stage that the press could be justified in using such a title.

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